This is a multi-part question. Please create a visual post for your blog on a topic specific to your business and answer the questions below. This involves critical thinking. What is important to your business and visitors? The image must be the focal point of the post telling the story or conveying a point. You may include multiple images. The goal is to visually convey a message with minimal text. Please pay attention to what was discussed in class. Ensure that you include a link to the blog post in your answer. Do not forget that this needs to be included in your hardcopy. I am marking what you hand in with your hardcopy but also need to see the digital version on your blog. If it is not online for me to view (in addition to the hardcopy), I cannot mark this question. (4 Marks)
a. Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks)
b. Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks)
Visual Post:
Discover the Most Affordable Grocery store in YQG.
We know that it is hard to balance finances with the current high cost of living.
Enter FreshFarmerYQG, we want to serve the Windsor-Essex people by selling more affordable produce than other grocery stores in YQG.
Key Benefits:
- High Quality Groceries
- Open 24 hours
- Guaranteed the cheapest grocery store in YQG
Embrace the benefits of an affordable grocery store and lift a weight from your shoulder today.
Learn More at
a. Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks)
b. Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks)
1. First image
a. I chose the first image because of its emotional appeal and is aligned with my brand’s purpose. I am targeting users who are struggling to buy groceries because of the rise in food costs. With this image, I hope to capture their attention because I should be able to see them through that image. As discussed in class, first impressions are vital in web content. Being that images are processed faster than text in a person’s head, with my image as the focal point, it should encourage them to stay and read my post.
b. The first image acts as the focal point of my image. I chose this because this image should resonate with my target audience. This is because the image is that of a struggling family, which is something they should relate to which should capture their attention.
2. Second Image
a. I chose this image because it will allow users to comprehend my message better than blocks of text. There is a lot of data I want to convey to my readers. As such, as discussed in class, to more effectively get this data across without turning it away would be using infographics. With the infographic, the data is easily read because the data is condensed and easy to follow.
b. The second image I chose was an infographic. The infographic shows different struggles that my target audience might have when it comes to grocery shopping. I could have used text to convey this but instead, I used an infographic. This is the case because I want users to easily remember and digest the information. The reason why I chose to convey this message using an infographic instead of text is because it will increase retention rates by 55%.
3. Third Image
a. I chose this image to facilitate a strong connection with my user. I chose this image because I want the end to end with a positive image. As discussed in class, images resonate with people. As such, I chose this image in hopes of users seeing themselves being as happy as the woman in the picture to encourage action.
b. The last image I chose was made to increase the likelihood of users going through with my CTA. In this case, increase website visitors by clicking on the click. By putting an image along the text, I believe that this will increase the chances of users pulling through with my CTA. This is the case because users are 30% more likely to send payment when visuals are involved with your marketing. In my case, while I’m not asking for payment, this statistic shows that regardless of money, users are more interested in doing what you’re asking them to do if money is involved.
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